“Walking is a man’s best medicine.” – Hippocrates
Aim for 30 minutes of activity daily
1. You will feel better! (Improves sleep, Improves mood, Increases energy)
2. It reduces stress (Lowers cortisol levels, Walking meditation)
3. It boosts immune function (Walking 30 minutes a day)
4. It helps prevent falls in the elderly
5. It strengthens your bones, joints, and muscles (Well tolerated by people with arthritis)
6. It’s good for your brain (Extensive cognitive benefits)
7. It may decrease the risk of some cancers (Colorectal cancer - 6 hrs/week, Breast cancer - 1 hour/day)
8. It improves glycemic control (Decreases dips in energy)
9. It protects you from heart disease (lowers blood pressure, lowers triglyceride levels)
10. It decreases your rate of weight gain
The benefits of walkability are all interconnected. Local business will be enhanced by more foot traffic. The means more economic vitality, and social benefits–so people are out and having conversations and connecting–as well as health benefits.
1. It helps people live longer
Inactivity is the fourth leading cause of mortality around the world; physical activity dropped 32% in the last four decades in the U.S., and 45% in less than two decades in China. For people over 60, walking just 15 minutes a day can reduce the risk of dying by 22%.
2. It helps people lose weight
A 30-minute walk can burn 100 calories; for every 12 blocks or so walked a day, your risk of obesity drops 4.8%.
3. It reduces the risk of chronic disease
Regular walking may reduce the risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and colon cancer. Inactivity is a primary cause of most chronic diseases.
4. It makes people happier
Someone with a one-hour commute in a car needs to earn 40% more to be as happy as someone with a short walk to work. On the other hand, researchers found that if someone shifts from a long commute to a walk, their happiness increases as much as if they’d fallen in love. People who walk 8.6 minutes a day are 33% more likely to report much better mental health.
5. It improves traffic safety
More than 270,000 pedestrians are killed around the world every year; better street design, and policies that reduce speed, can obviously help reduce the risk of crashes. Just shortening a long crosswalk can reduce the risk of pedestrian deaths 6%.
6. It brings back “eyes on the street”
While some countries invest in security cameras for streets–like the U.K., with 5.9 million cameras in public spaces–encouraging more people to walk is a cheaper way of increasing surveillance and making streets feel safer.
7. It reduces crime in other ways
Making streets more pleasant for walking–reducing trash, for example, or enforcing the speed limit–also has the added benefit of reducing crime. In one Kansas City neighborhood, crime dropped 74% after some streets went car-free on weekends.
8. It makes neighborhoods more vibrant
The same features that make streets more walkable, like a safer and more attractive design, make people want to spend more time in them generally, bringing vibrancy back to neighborhoods.
9. It enhances the “sense of place”
Spending time walking through a neighborhood, rather than driving, helps people have a better sense of what makes it unique–and more likely to want to help take care of it.
10. It’s a driver for creativity
If a neighborhood is walkable, it’s more likely to become home to public street art and open-air events; conversely, public art and cultural events can help draw people to streets where they might not have walked before.
In one Kansas City neighborhood, crime dropped 74% after some streets went car-free on weekends.
The demand for walkable neighborhoods is increasing, as more and more members of the millennial generation, the largest generation in American history, enter the home-seeking market. 50 percent consider it “very important” to be within an easy walk of places “such as shops, cafes, and restaurants,” according to the National Association of Realtors.
Walkability offers surprising benefits to our health, the environment, our finances, and our communities. The average resident of a walkable neighborhood weighs 6-10 pounds less than someone who lives in a sprawling neighborhood.
Walkable communities provide older adults with improved physical and mental health, increased independence, and socialization opportunities that can prevent isolation.
Walkable neighborhoods help seniors remain active, healthy, social and free to move around. How?
Quality of Life While Aging in Place
Many retirees choose to age in place—to avoid moving and remain in their homes as long as possible. But since baby boomers were the generation that built suburbia, many will want to maintain a quality of life in unwalkable neighborhoods.
Older adults socialize more when living in walkable neighborhoods. According to the EPA, in an age-friendly walkable neighborhood or town, regular social interaction is possible, convenient and more frequent. The American Journal of Public Health published a studypublished a study that reveals older people living in walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods have higher levels of social interaction compared with those residing in car-dependent burbs. Living in walkable neighborhoods means you are more likely to know your neighbors, participate in politics, engage socially and even trust people.
2. Transportation + Mobility to Leave the House
Independence builds self-worth and being able to move around your neighborhood is freeing. “More than 20 percent of Americans age 65 or older do not drive. Of those, more than half — about 3.6 million people — stay home on any given day because they have no transportation, AARP says,” from a Washington Post article. Men outlive their “drive-ability” by 7 years, women by 10 years. Public transit becomes key for allowing seniors to remain independent. “A 2002 study by the National Institute on Aging found that about 600,000 people who are 70 or older stop driving every year and become dependent on other forms of transportation.”
A 2003 Brookings Institution study found that 79% of seniors age 65 and older live in car-dependent suburban and rural communities. But older adults increased their use of public transit by 40% between 2001 and 2009. About 15% of those over age 65 use public transit at least once time per month and more than half of them need specialized transportation, according to Placemaking article.
Email your comments to: sidewalksforsafetyli@gmail.com
My daughter is .09 of a mile from school and there are no shoulders or sidewalks.it is not safe in anyway! - Melissa, Stony Brook
I want to be able to walk to the library and to town with my children safely, without threat of being run over by a texting teen or an absent minded driver going too fast. This is such a beautiful area and we would walk so much more if there were more sidewalks. - Cynthia, East Setauket
We need infrastructure to support pedestrian and bicycle transportation. We should not rely more and more on busing and parents driving to get kids to school. Walking and riding is healthier for our kids, for their mental and physical well being. It also teaches them to be stewards of the community and society. - Jenn, Setauket
We live on 25A and would like to walk to the village, Dunkin donuts, etc but there is no sidewalk and the cars speed excessively. It is very dangerous. Many college students walk or bike to Stony Brook University. I feel they are risking their lives by doing this with no sidewalk. A young man was hit and killed by a car last year. What are they waiting for? More people to get hurt or killed? Every road with a double yellow line should have a sidewalk. With sidewalks more people would walk or ride a bike instead of getting in a car. This would actually help alleviate some of the traffic in our heavily congested area. - Lourdes, Stony Brook
School children who are "walkers" and commuters using the Stony Brook train station should have safe walking paths, especially along Quaker Path & Christian Avenue and other high traffic streets. Kelly, Setauket
I love to walk and need to walk to remain healthy, and have nearly been hit many times. Dyke Rd, Maple Rd, Gnarled Hollow/Old Town roads in Setauket and Christian, Cedar, Quaker path in Stony Brook. These roads are too busy for pedestrians and are the only way to connect one small subdivision to another. Bernadette, Setauket
I watch children walking to school, forced into the middle of the streets with cars coming at them. In addition, it would be nice if my children could walk to our local stores. Its time. Alison, Setauket
I ride my bike to walk and I know how hazardous it can be! M. Raafat, Stony Brook
Sometimes I drive even though I want to walk, because it feels more dangerous (and it would be so) when there's no proper sidewalk. Jun Seok, Stony Brook
Stony Brook Road needs a sidewalk!! I see university students everyday walking along this road littered with blind spots, poor lighting and no sidewalks. There are no sidewalks in my entire neighborhood and I have two little kids. Greg, Smithtown
Side walks are important for pedestrian safety. Peter, Stony Brook
There are 3 accidents (major) on my corner alone and there is a grammar school behind our house and young people jogging on a dangerous road. It's awful. April, East Setauket
I am a mother and an athlete. I want to be able to walk safely and ride my bike safely. I want my child to be able to do the same. Christina, Setauket
Our street is horribly unsafe w/o sidewalks. David, Three Village
My friend was killed by traffic on Quaker path and I am afraid for my children who like to walk and cycle. Wendy, Stony Brook
I recently was hit by a car while riding my bicycle in the area, and I believe bicycle safety is something that all road users should be aware of. Sean, Setauket
Would like to see more sidewalks and bike lanes for the safety of everyone! - Evelyn, Setauket
It would be a great idea. - Lorrie, Setauket
Not enough safe sidewalks. Also bike lanes for bikers, like myself , would greatly increase the safety of the community. - Christina, Stony Brook
I'm a concerned parent and neighbor. - Tali, Setauket
My street needs a sidewalk. - Christopher, Setauket
Safety and healthy alternatives to driving a car mandate these improvements. The community also IS more connected and has higher resale value. - Owen, Mount Sinai
Because loading kids into a car to drive somewhere safe to take a walk or ride a bike is just ridiculous. Let's put our tax dollars to work and create something that benefits everyone, gives our gas tanks a break, and encourages physical activity. - Lindsay, Stony Brook
I don't feel safe walking or biking in the three village area. - Benjamin, East Setauket
We need sidewalks and bike lanes in our community so our children and teens can live an active life safely. - Mary, East Setauket
I would like my child, along with all the children in the community, to be safe. Also, I would not like to hear that a child in our community has lost a parent, sibling, friend or pet along any of the roads in our town. - Martha, Stony Brook
As an alumni of Stony Brook University, and employee of Stony Brook Village, and recreational user of Stony Brooks parks, I deeply appreciate the historic beauty of the area but am also very concerned for the safety of people who walk and bike the narrow streets. This beautiful area needs to be safe for all people, on foot, bike, or vehicle. Thank you in advance for your time and effort to quickly improve the safety of the area. - Amy, Smithtown
Dangerous turns on Stony Brook Rd and kids riding and walking all over. - Elisa, Stony Brook
I walk and bike a lot in the three village area and I feel that there is a great need to add more sidewalks that is pedestrian friendly. - Deming, Stony Brook
Especially true for Stony Brook Rd between Stony Brook University South entrance and 25A. This stretch urgently needs a sidewalk and bike path. - Helmut, Stony Brook
I'm concerned for pedestrian safety. - Danielle, Stony Brook
I frequent Setauket every day. I would like a safe place to walk my dog and push my childs stroller without being in the road. I feel with so many people distracted while driving, I would feel much safer with more sidewalks. - Michelle, East Setauket
As more people jog and walk the roads, it is hard to see them when driving and sidewalks would make it a lot safer. Particularly the university students at night. - Victoria, Stony Brook
I live on a very long and busy street. Despite multiple stop signs and speed divets, drivers speed on our block. I want a safe place for my children to take walks and go for runs without the fear of speeding drivers. - Rosa, Centereach
It's terrible that it's unsafe for people of any age to walk or ride their bikes from Strongs Neck into the village. Please add sidewalks or a boardwalk along Dyke Road. - Matthew, Setauket
Our community needs sidewalks for the safety of our citizens. - Karen, stony Brook
I do agree that sidewalks would help to safety. I do take walks with my son and dog in that area. - Iveta, East Setauket
I'm signing because Long Island is one of the most dangerous places in the country for Bike Riders. More people will ride if it's safer, saving gasoline and cutting pollution. - Ken, East Setauket
We walk to work (university) and to synagogue services and Friends every Saturday. - Deborah, East Setauket
I believe exercise is important for everyone including children and we need ore sidewalks to provide safety for such exercise. - Veronica, Stony Brook
Safety is always a good thing!! - Karin, East Setauket
I would like a safer way to walk and bike in three village. - Lauren, Port Jefferson
I almost died. - Andrew, Stony Brook
I'm signing because I live on Strong's Neck, where the traffic has gotten too fast to be safe for walking. - Neta, Setauket
I have lived in Stony Brook 35 years. Time for sidewalks !! - Lorraine, Stony Brook
We need sidewalks. - Gina, Stony Brook
I'm a senior citizen who walks and bikes a lot. More sidewalks are a must, especially given how bad many Long Island drivers are. - Peter, East Setauket
I'm signing this because the need for adding sidewalks are important in many areas in Setauket. My family rides bikes, I get my dog walked, and I take regular walks and the roads are not safe. Cars drive too fast. - Joanne, Setauket
I would love it if my children could safely walk to Setauket Elementary School. - Janene, Setauket
We need to make are town safe for walkers,bikers and all our students that are commuting back and forth to the University. - Maria, Setauket
I would like to be able to :
1. WALK with my kids to the library.
2. WALK my dogs around the neighborhood safely.
3. Have my kids be able to WALK or BIKE to Middle School next year. - Shelly, Setauket
I am a cyclist and runner, and I am always somewhat paranoid about my safety when I'm riding - a dedicated lane would really make me feel a lot safer. My roommate actually got hit by a car a few weeks ago, so I'm sure he would appreciate it too. - Nicholas, Setauket
I do agree that we need more space to walk and bike ride safely. - Lesya, Setauket
Oxhead road is a major thoroughfare to a public school, university (which houses grade school sports), two parks with baseball fields and two churches. There is no excuse for the state of the sidewalks on that street. They are so broken I couldn't push a stroller on them! - Jill, Stony Brook
The fact that there are so few sidewalks in Three Village poses a significant safety issue for pedestrians and bicycle riders. A few years ago, a mother of 2 girls was killed while walking on Quaker Path during the day. Lourdes Lento, Setauket. - Monica, Setauket
Rebecca Borrie was outspoken about the need for sidewalks to allow our children safe access to Gelinas. Tragically, she was killed almost 8 years ago as she walked along the side of Quaker Path. She left behind two young daughters and a loving husband. Each time any one of us sets out to walk in the roadway, we are placing ourselves at great risk. Let us learn from Rebecca Borrie's preventable death. Install sidewalks a long any double-yellow lined road. - Kathleen, Stony Brook
Everyday and night I watch students walk from/to SUNY and Stony Brook school. Also, all the kids waiting or been dropped of from the school buses. We should have a side walk/bike path uniting the train station and West Meadow beach. Another one on Christian ave, uniting stony brook village to Setauket schools (Gelinas and Setauket elementary). Children could be children again and be able to play outside and be safe walking to their neighborhood schools and parks. Another need is to finish the side walk from the train station to stony brook village and connecting to stony brook road. How many more students have to be killed before the sidewalks/bike lanes are built? - Rejane, stony brook
I'm a former Three Village resident, and I still visit regularly. It is a beautiful area and should be walkable for residents and visitors. I can see the benefits in my area of Maryland, where communities are becoming more walkable. I hope the Three Villages will consider installing bikeways and walkways to improve the lives of residents and tourists alike! - Kathi
It is a kill zone on 25a from St James to Stony Brook Village. - Karen, Stony Brook
I walk, my husband walks, my children walk (including one to and from Gelinas) and I would like it to become something that didn't at times feel dangerous. It would also great if I felt comfortable allowing kids to bike! - Diana, Setauket
I'm a resident of the Three Village area and a walker, and I'd like to know all my fellow residents can walk safely, along with me.- Joan, Setauket
We want sidewalk access to all the wonderful facilities we have here in the three villages.- Lynn, Stony Brook
My children have to walk to the junior high school its a very dangerous walk. - Michelle, Stony Brook
The streets are EXTREMELY unsafe for children and all human life without sidewalks! - Peter, Setauket
I value a walkable community. - Melanie, Setauket
I walk daily. And it is very good for our health. - Tan, Setauket
I have walked to and from OFC to WMB. And it is a scary walk. Also have biked from library to WMB. Scary. - Nell, Stony Brook
Bicycling and walking are good exercises and build confidence in children. All people should be able to do these things safely. - Alice, Setauket
Every day I see SB University students walking in the roads with no shoulder, no sidewalks. Adding sidewalks is the humane thing to do. - Karen, Stony Brook
We are part of 3VCSD but considered PJV. I grew up with sidewalks & was able to ride bikes, walk the dog & even walk to school more safely than I've ever seen since!! Cost? Hogwash...kids, teens adults are all safer with good old sidewalks. Now, we need them in PJV, too!! - Sandy, Port Jefferson
Setauket: Main St. south of pond & Neighborhood House sidewalk ends! Dangerous for children walking to elementary school, library... Christian Ave & Main St dangerous walking to Gelinas Jr High, no school bus. - Jayne, Setauket
My street intersects with Rt. 25A near the Long Island Museum and while there is a sidewalk going into Stony Brook Village for part of the way, there is no place to walk or bike going east on 25A from the museums to the train station or University. It would be very nice to have a safe place to walk or bike along that section of Rt 25A. - Stephen, Stony Brook
I see all the time how dangerous it is to walk on our streets. And two people were hit and killed in our area because of it and my husband was hit on his bike and we don't even think the person realized that they hit him - he was left unconscious on the side of the road for close to an hour with a head injury on West Meadow Road. All these roads are very dangerous and many of our children have no busing and have to walk on these roads. I truly hope sidewalks could be put in. - Lucy, Setauket
I believe sidewalks not only make for a more friendly neighborhood, they also reduce crime: more people walking means more eyes on the street. - Tim, Stony Brook
I live on Old Field Road and it is impossible to walk with or without Children to the Library ... Town or Beach. - Christine, Setauket
My children are designated as walkers to Gelinas Jr High School as we live only 1/3 of a mile away, yet it is UNSAFE for them to walk and they must be driven. - Linda, Setauket
It would feel much safer to have sidewalks in our area. It would mean more independence for the children, and better safety for runners! - Arianna, Setauket
Dominick James Daniel & George would've to safely walk too!!! - Kristen, Setauket
marilyn - what a wonderful idea. I am a runner and a few times a week I almost get ran over by a car! - Marilyn, Setauket
I would like my kids to be able to safely ride their bikes around the area. - Margaret, Stony Brook
I would love for the Christian Avenue sidewalk to be extended. We drove our children to the start of the sidewalk so that they could enjoy it! We saw many other friends and neighbors utilizing it as well. - Josette, Stony Brook
I work in the Stony Brook Village area and so spend a lot of time here. The area feels fractured, not having a flow that connects public transport, the university and the village. - Deborah, Rocky Point
I live on Main Street, Setauket, and the number of joggers, strollers, bikes and dogs that walk our street without shoulders or sidewalks is frightening. Drivers exceed the speed limit, without exception, some doing 50 mph and blowing through stop signs. It is a dangerous problem that must be dealt with. - Jack, Setauket
People drive too fast and don't pay attention to walkers and bikers. - Josephine, Stony Brook
I walk and bike with kids down to west meadow and cars drive very fast. - Jennifer, Setauket

The Top Ten Health Reasons to Walk by Dr. Nancy McLinskey
Aim for 30 minutes of activity daily
1. You will feel better! (Improves sleep, Improves mood, Increases energy)
2. It reduces stress (Lowers cortisol levels, Walking meditation)
3. It boosts immune function (Walking 30 minutes a day)
4. It helps prevent falls in the elderly
5. It strengthens your bones, joints, and muscles (Well tolerated by people with arthritis)
6. It’s good for your brain (Extensive cognitive benefits)
7. It may decrease the risk of some cancers (Colorectal cancer - 6 hrs/week, Breast cancer - 1 hour/day)
8. It improves glycemic control (Decreases dips in energy)
9. It protects you from heart disease (lowers blood pressure, lowers triglyceride levels)
10. It decreases your rate of weight gain
Benefits of Walkability
The benefits of walkability are all interconnected. Local business will be enhanced by more foot traffic. The means more economic vitality, and social benefits–so people are out and having conversations and connecting–as well as health benefits.
1. It helps people live longer
Inactivity is the fourth leading cause of mortality around the world; physical activity dropped 32% in the last four decades in the U.S., and 45% in less than two decades in China. For people over 60, walking just 15 minutes a day can reduce the risk of dying by 22%.
2. It helps people lose weight
A 30-minute walk can burn 100 calories; for every 12 blocks or so walked a day, your risk of obesity drops 4.8%.
3. It reduces the risk of chronic disease
Regular walking may reduce the risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and colon cancer. Inactivity is a primary cause of most chronic diseases.
4. It makes people happier
Someone with a one-hour commute in a car needs to earn 40% more to be as happy as someone with a short walk to work. On the other hand, researchers found that if someone shifts from a long commute to a walk, their happiness increases as much as if they’d fallen in love. People who walk 8.6 minutes a day are 33% more likely to report much better mental health.
5. It improves traffic safety
More than 270,000 pedestrians are killed around the world every year; better street design, and policies that reduce speed, can obviously help reduce the risk of crashes. Just shortening a long crosswalk can reduce the risk of pedestrian deaths 6%.
6. It brings back “eyes on the street”
While some countries invest in security cameras for streets–like the U.K., with 5.9 million cameras in public spaces–encouraging more people to walk is a cheaper way of increasing surveillance and making streets feel safer.
7. It reduces crime in other ways
Making streets more pleasant for walking–reducing trash, for example, or enforcing the speed limit–also has the added benefit of reducing crime. In one Kansas City neighborhood, crime dropped 74% after some streets went car-free on weekends.
8. It makes neighborhoods more vibrant
The same features that make streets more walkable, like a safer and more attractive design, make people want to spend more time in them generally, bringing vibrancy back to neighborhoods.
9. It enhances the “sense of place”
Spending time walking through a neighborhood, rather than driving, helps people have a better sense of what makes it unique–and more likely to want to help take care of it.
10. It’s a driver for creativity
If a neighborhood is walkable, it’s more likely to become home to public street art and open-air events; conversely, public art and cultural events can help draw people to streets where they might not have walked before.
In one Kansas City neighborhood, crime dropped 74% after some streets went car-free on weekends.
Walkability is increasing on Long Island!
The demand for walkable neighborhoods is increasing, as more and more members of the millennial generation, the largest generation in American history, enter the home-seeking market. 50 percent consider it “very important” to be within an easy walk of places “such as shops, cafes, and restaurants,” according to the National Association of Realtors.
Walkability offers surprising benefits to our health, the environment, our finances, and our communities. The average resident of a walkable neighborhood weighs 6-10 pounds less than someone who lives in a sprawling neighborhood.
Walkable communities provide older adults with improved physical and mental health, increased independence, and socialization opportunities that can prevent isolation.
Walkable neighborhoods help seniors remain active, healthy, social and free to move around. How?
Quality of Life While Aging in Place
Many retirees choose to age in place—to avoid moving and remain in their homes as long as possible. But since baby boomers were the generation that built suburbia, many will want to maintain a quality of life in unwalkable neighborhoods.
Older adults socialize more when living in walkable neighborhoods. According to the EPA, in an age-friendly walkable neighborhood or town, regular social interaction is possible, convenient and more frequent. The American Journal of Public Health published a studypublished a study that reveals older people living in walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods have higher levels of social interaction compared with those residing in car-dependent burbs. Living in walkable neighborhoods means you are more likely to know your neighbors, participate in politics, engage socially and even trust people.
2. Transportation + Mobility to Leave the House
Independence builds self-worth and being able to move around your neighborhood is freeing. “More than 20 percent of Americans age 65 or older do not drive. Of those, more than half — about 3.6 million people — stay home on any given day because they have no transportation, AARP says,” from a Washington Post article. Men outlive their “drive-ability” by 7 years, women by 10 years. Public transit becomes key for allowing seniors to remain independent. “A 2002 study by the National Institute on Aging found that about 600,000 people who are 70 or older stop driving every year and become dependent on other forms of transportation.”
A 2003 Brookings Institution study found that 79% of seniors age 65 and older live in car-dependent suburban and rural communities. But older adults increased their use of public transit by 40% between 2001 and 2009. About 15% of those over age 65 use public transit at least once time per month and more than half of them need specialized transportation, according to Placemaking article.
Community Voices
Email your comments to: sidewalksforsafetyli@gmail.com
My daughter is .09 of a mile from school and there are no shoulders or sidewalks.it is not safe in anyway! - Melissa, Stony Brook
I want to be able to walk to the library and to town with my children safely, without threat of being run over by a texting teen or an absent minded driver going too fast. This is such a beautiful area and we would walk so much more if there were more sidewalks. - Cynthia, East Setauket
We need infrastructure to support pedestrian and bicycle transportation. We should not rely more and more on busing and parents driving to get kids to school. Walking and riding is healthier for our kids, for their mental and physical well being. It also teaches them to be stewards of the community and society. - Jenn, Setauket
We live on 25A and would like to walk to the village, Dunkin donuts, etc but there is no sidewalk and the cars speed excessively. It is very dangerous. Many college students walk or bike to Stony Brook University. I feel they are risking their lives by doing this with no sidewalk. A young man was hit and killed by a car last year. What are they waiting for? More people to get hurt or killed? Every road with a double yellow line should have a sidewalk. With sidewalks more people would walk or ride a bike instead of getting in a car. This would actually help alleviate some of the traffic in our heavily congested area. - Lourdes, Stony Brook
School children who are "walkers" and commuters using the Stony Brook train station should have safe walking paths, especially along Quaker Path & Christian Avenue and other high traffic streets. Kelly, Setauket
I love to walk and need to walk to remain healthy, and have nearly been hit many times. Dyke Rd, Maple Rd, Gnarled Hollow/Old Town roads in Setauket and Christian, Cedar, Quaker path in Stony Brook. These roads are too busy for pedestrians and are the only way to connect one small subdivision to another. Bernadette, Setauket
I watch children walking to school, forced into the middle of the streets with cars coming at them. In addition, it would be nice if my children could walk to our local stores. Its time. Alison, Setauket
I ride my bike to walk and I know how hazardous it can be! M. Raafat, Stony Brook
Sometimes I drive even though I want to walk, because it feels more dangerous (and it would be so) when there's no proper sidewalk. Jun Seok, Stony Brook
Stony Brook Road needs a sidewalk!! I see university students everyday walking along this road littered with blind spots, poor lighting and no sidewalks. There are no sidewalks in my entire neighborhood and I have two little kids. Greg, Smithtown
Side walks are important for pedestrian safety. Peter, Stony Brook
There are 3 accidents (major) on my corner alone and there is a grammar school behind our house and young people jogging on a dangerous road. It's awful. April, East Setauket
I am a mother and an athlete. I want to be able to walk safely and ride my bike safely. I want my child to be able to do the same. Christina, Setauket
Our street is horribly unsafe w/o sidewalks. David, Three Village
My friend was killed by traffic on Quaker path and I am afraid for my children who like to walk and cycle. Wendy, Stony Brook
I recently was hit by a car while riding my bicycle in the area, and I believe bicycle safety is something that all road users should be aware of. Sean, Setauket
Would like to see more sidewalks and bike lanes for the safety of everyone! - Evelyn, Setauket
It would be a great idea. - Lorrie, Setauket
Not enough safe sidewalks. Also bike lanes for bikers, like myself , would greatly increase the safety of the community. - Christina, Stony Brook
I'm a concerned parent and neighbor. - Tali, Setauket
My street needs a sidewalk. - Christopher, Setauket
Safety and healthy alternatives to driving a car mandate these improvements. The community also IS more connected and has higher resale value. - Owen, Mount Sinai
Because loading kids into a car to drive somewhere safe to take a walk or ride a bike is just ridiculous. Let's put our tax dollars to work and create something that benefits everyone, gives our gas tanks a break, and encourages physical activity. - Lindsay, Stony Brook
I don't feel safe walking or biking in the three village area. - Benjamin, East Setauket
We need sidewalks and bike lanes in our community so our children and teens can live an active life safely. - Mary, East Setauket
I would like my child, along with all the children in the community, to be safe. Also, I would not like to hear that a child in our community has lost a parent, sibling, friend or pet along any of the roads in our town. - Martha, Stony Brook
As an alumni of Stony Brook University, and employee of Stony Brook Village, and recreational user of Stony Brooks parks, I deeply appreciate the historic beauty of the area but am also very concerned for the safety of people who walk and bike the narrow streets. This beautiful area needs to be safe for all people, on foot, bike, or vehicle. Thank you in advance for your time and effort to quickly improve the safety of the area. - Amy, Smithtown
Dangerous turns on Stony Brook Rd and kids riding and walking all over. - Elisa, Stony Brook
I walk and bike a lot in the three village area and I feel that there is a great need to add more sidewalks that is pedestrian friendly. - Deming, Stony Brook
Especially true for Stony Brook Rd between Stony Brook University South entrance and 25A. This stretch urgently needs a sidewalk and bike path. - Helmut, Stony Brook
I'm concerned for pedestrian safety. - Danielle, Stony Brook
I frequent Setauket every day. I would like a safe place to walk my dog and push my childs stroller without being in the road. I feel with so many people distracted while driving, I would feel much safer with more sidewalks. - Michelle, East Setauket
As more people jog and walk the roads, it is hard to see them when driving and sidewalks would make it a lot safer. Particularly the university students at night. - Victoria, Stony Brook
I live on a very long and busy street. Despite multiple stop signs and speed divets, drivers speed on our block. I want a safe place for my children to take walks and go for runs without the fear of speeding drivers. - Rosa, Centereach
It's terrible that it's unsafe for people of any age to walk or ride their bikes from Strongs Neck into the village. Please add sidewalks or a boardwalk along Dyke Road. - Matthew, Setauket
Our community needs sidewalks for the safety of our citizens. - Karen, stony Brook
I do agree that sidewalks would help to safety. I do take walks with my son and dog in that area. - Iveta, East Setauket
I'm signing because Long Island is one of the most dangerous places in the country for Bike Riders. More people will ride if it's safer, saving gasoline and cutting pollution. - Ken, East Setauket
We walk to work (university) and to synagogue services and Friends every Saturday. - Deborah, East Setauket
I believe exercise is important for everyone including children and we need ore sidewalks to provide safety for such exercise. - Veronica, Stony Brook
Safety is always a good thing!! - Karin, East Setauket
I would like a safer way to walk and bike in three village. - Lauren, Port Jefferson
I almost died. - Andrew, Stony Brook
I'm signing because I live on Strong's Neck, where the traffic has gotten too fast to be safe for walking. - Neta, Setauket
I have lived in Stony Brook 35 years. Time for sidewalks !! - Lorraine, Stony Brook
We need sidewalks. - Gina, Stony Brook
I'm a senior citizen who walks and bikes a lot. More sidewalks are a must, especially given how bad many Long Island drivers are. - Peter, East Setauket
I'm signing this because the need for adding sidewalks are important in many areas in Setauket. My family rides bikes, I get my dog walked, and I take regular walks and the roads are not safe. Cars drive too fast. - Joanne, Setauket
I would love it if my children could safely walk to Setauket Elementary School. - Janene, Setauket
We need to make are town safe for walkers,bikers and all our students that are commuting back and forth to the University. - Maria, Setauket
I would like to be able to :
1. WALK with my kids to the library.
2. WALK my dogs around the neighborhood safely.
3. Have my kids be able to WALK or BIKE to Middle School next year. - Shelly, Setauket
I am a cyclist and runner, and I am always somewhat paranoid about my safety when I'm riding - a dedicated lane would really make me feel a lot safer. My roommate actually got hit by a car a few weeks ago, so I'm sure he would appreciate it too. - Nicholas, Setauket
I do agree that we need more space to walk and bike ride safely. - Lesya, Setauket
Oxhead road is a major thoroughfare to a public school, university (which houses grade school sports), two parks with baseball fields and two churches. There is no excuse for the state of the sidewalks on that street. They are so broken I couldn't push a stroller on them! - Jill, Stony Brook
The fact that there are so few sidewalks in Three Village poses a significant safety issue for pedestrians and bicycle riders. A few years ago, a mother of 2 girls was killed while walking on Quaker Path during the day. Lourdes Lento, Setauket. - Monica, Setauket
Rebecca Borrie was outspoken about the need for sidewalks to allow our children safe access to Gelinas. Tragically, she was killed almost 8 years ago as she walked along the side of Quaker Path. She left behind two young daughters and a loving husband. Each time any one of us sets out to walk in the roadway, we are placing ourselves at great risk. Let us learn from Rebecca Borrie's preventable death. Install sidewalks a long any double-yellow lined road. - Kathleen, Stony Brook
Everyday and night I watch students walk from/to SUNY and Stony Brook school. Also, all the kids waiting or been dropped of from the school buses. We should have a side walk/bike path uniting the train station and West Meadow beach. Another one on Christian ave, uniting stony brook village to Setauket schools (Gelinas and Setauket elementary). Children could be children again and be able to play outside and be safe walking to their neighborhood schools and parks. Another need is to finish the side walk from the train station to stony brook village and connecting to stony brook road. How many more students have to be killed before the sidewalks/bike lanes are built? - Rejane, stony brook
I'm a former Three Village resident, and I still visit regularly. It is a beautiful area and should be walkable for residents and visitors. I can see the benefits in my area of Maryland, where communities are becoming more walkable. I hope the Three Villages will consider installing bikeways and walkways to improve the lives of residents and tourists alike! - Kathi
It is a kill zone on 25a from St James to Stony Brook Village. - Karen, Stony Brook
I walk, my husband walks, my children walk (including one to and from Gelinas) and I would like it to become something that didn't at times feel dangerous. It would also great if I felt comfortable allowing kids to bike! - Diana, Setauket
I'm a resident of the Three Village area and a walker, and I'd like to know all my fellow residents can walk safely, along with me.- Joan, Setauket
We want sidewalk access to all the wonderful facilities we have here in the three villages.- Lynn, Stony Brook
My children have to walk to the junior high school its a very dangerous walk. - Michelle, Stony Brook
The streets are EXTREMELY unsafe for children and all human life without sidewalks! - Peter, Setauket
I value a walkable community. - Melanie, Setauket
I walk daily. And it is very good for our health. - Tan, Setauket
I have walked to and from OFC to WMB. And it is a scary walk. Also have biked from library to WMB. Scary. - Nell, Stony Brook
Bicycling and walking are good exercises and build confidence in children. All people should be able to do these things safely. - Alice, Setauket
Every day I see SB University students walking in the roads with no shoulder, no sidewalks. Adding sidewalks is the humane thing to do. - Karen, Stony Brook
We are part of 3VCSD but considered PJV. I grew up with sidewalks & was able to ride bikes, walk the dog & even walk to school more safely than I've ever seen since!! Cost? Hogwash...kids, teens adults are all safer with good old sidewalks. Now, we need them in PJV, too!! - Sandy, Port Jefferson
Setauket: Main St. south of pond & Neighborhood House sidewalk ends! Dangerous for children walking to elementary school, library... Christian Ave & Main St dangerous walking to Gelinas Jr High, no school bus. - Jayne, Setauket
My street intersects with Rt. 25A near the Long Island Museum and while there is a sidewalk going into Stony Brook Village for part of the way, there is no place to walk or bike going east on 25A from the museums to the train station or University. It would be very nice to have a safe place to walk or bike along that section of Rt 25A. - Stephen, Stony Brook
I see all the time how dangerous it is to walk on our streets. And two people were hit and killed in our area because of it and my husband was hit on his bike and we don't even think the person realized that they hit him - he was left unconscious on the side of the road for close to an hour with a head injury on West Meadow Road. All these roads are very dangerous and many of our children have no busing and have to walk on these roads. I truly hope sidewalks could be put in. - Lucy, Setauket
I believe sidewalks not only make for a more friendly neighborhood, they also reduce crime: more people walking means more eyes on the street. - Tim, Stony Brook
I live on Old Field Road and it is impossible to walk with or without Children to the Library ... Town or Beach. - Christine, Setauket
My children are designated as walkers to Gelinas Jr High School as we live only 1/3 of a mile away, yet it is UNSAFE for them to walk and they must be driven. - Linda, Setauket
It would feel much safer to have sidewalks in our area. It would mean more independence for the children, and better safety for runners! - Arianna, Setauket
Dominick James Daniel & George would've to safely walk too!!! - Kristen, Setauket
marilyn - what a wonderful idea. I am a runner and a few times a week I almost get ran over by a car! - Marilyn, Setauket
I would like my kids to be able to safely ride their bikes around the area. - Margaret, Stony Brook
I would love for the Christian Avenue sidewalk to be extended. We drove our children to the start of the sidewalk so that they could enjoy it! We saw many other friends and neighbors utilizing it as well. - Josette, Stony Brook
I work in the Stony Brook Village area and so spend a lot of time here. The area feels fractured, not having a flow that connects public transport, the university and the village. - Deborah, Rocky Point
I live on Main Street, Setauket, and the number of joggers, strollers, bikes and dogs that walk our street without shoulders or sidewalks is frightening. Drivers exceed the speed limit, without exception, some doing 50 mph and blowing through stop signs. It is a dangerous problem that must be dealt with. - Jack, Setauket
People drive too fast and don't pay attention to walkers and bikers. - Josephine, Stony Brook
I walk and bike with kids down to west meadow and cars drive very fast. - Jennifer, Setauket
Dear Stony Brook & Setauket


Recently I went to Swarthmore, Pennsylvania (population was 6,194 as of the 2010 census) to visit my good friend who just moved there from Setauket. Like Stony Brook and Setauket (population was 19,378 at the 2010 census) it's a college town with lots of lovely trees. Unlike Stony Brook and Setauket, Swarthmore has sidewalks and a lovely green center square with a great food co-op, local coffee shops, a bookstore and restaurants with outdoor tables (I wish we had all these), all next to the train station where they have fast commuter trains to Philadelphia (wishing again here!).
Kids in Swarthmore have freedom: they can walk to school and walk to friends homes. There's a farmers market in the square every Saturday, as well as music and performances. Senors can walk around and parents are not taxi drivers. Everywhere you walk you're greeted by friendly neighbors who are also out walking, jogging or cycling. It was the most enjoyable few days because we hardly used the car. We shopped and ate locally and took many wonderful walks on sidewalks and through the beautiful college grounds. My friend tells me this is the most joyous thing and although she really misses Setauket (especially North Shore Montessori & Emma Clark) she feels that having sidewalks has really changed her family's life for the better.
I just couldn't stop myself from thinking all we need to do is connect a few of our main streets. If only we extended the sidewalk from Christain Ave to Main St, Quaker Path from 25A to Lubber St, extended Mud Rd to Ridgeway Ave, Ridgeway Ave to Main St, extended Main St from the Neighborhood House to 25A, extend existing on Gnarled Hollow Road to Sheep Pasture, complete Old Town Road to 347, Mount Grey to West Meadow Beach. It's not that many streets and then our children could walk safely to Gelinas and Ward Melville. We could walk to the train station, we would cut down on congestion and the need to drive everywhere and children could walk to school and friends' houses; Stony Brook University students and staff would be safe; senors could walk to the Neighborhood House; many residents could walk safely to the beach. Sidewalks are all about safety and a better quality of life, something that will ultimately enhance the value of our neighborhoods and communities. We could all enjoy our beautiful green community more if we could walk safely around it!
–Annemarie Waugh

Driverless Cars and You
Get ready! The next revolution in transportation has begun - the driverless car. Already, autonomous vehicles are being introduced in different towns and cities across the country to serve as taxis or deliver goods.
As with all technologies, autonomous vehicles carry an element of risk. Although connectivity with other vehicles and roadside infrastructure will reduce that risk, signals sometimes fail.
Designing a vehicle that can navigate any condition using only what it can sense on its own may be the most difficult task of all. Proponents of these vehicles also stress the safety of leaving the complex task of driving to software that cannot be impeded by emotion, drinking, distractions and other human weaknesses.
But, as we look forward to the time when we can rely on our ‘automatic’ vehicles to whisk us to work, store, or meetings, maybe, just maybe, we need to ask ourselves how we keep engineering ourselves into a lifestyle of poor health and well being.
More than two-thirds of our country’s population is now obese or overweight. Cardiovascular disease and diabetes have skyrocketed over the past three decades. A sedentary lifestyle is increasingly typical to all age segments of the population. And, while our health care system remains first class, it is increasingly burdened by costs linked to poor diet and lack of exercise.
Perhaps today, more than ever, we need to engineer ways to increase the opportunities to exercise. Communities with sidewalks and footpaths tend to be healthier due to the ease and access of recreational opportunities. Children have the opportunity to engage with their friends and neighbors without being ‘in the street.’ Sidewalks build closer, more connected and friendlier communities.
So, while we may marvel at the latest innovations in autonomous vehicles, we might just want to tap the brakes and think where we are going. Maybe, the engineering feat we need is simpler and basic – more practical ways to get us out and about using our own two feet. Sidewalks do just that!
–Herb Mones
Life with Sidewalks
A few weeks ago, a survey was sent out via Facebook and email to area residents to ask those who lived on streets with sidewalks to share their experiences about their sidewalks. The survey is shown below, along with the results from the survey. As of this writing, 28 people have responded to the survey. The survey is still open. To take the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LG2CX9J
This survey asks residents who live on streets with sidewalks to tell us about their experiences.
1. What street do you reside on?
The respondents were from all over Three Village and Port Jefferson areas.
2. In a typical day/week, for what purposes do you use the sidewalk?
Walking for exercise – 67%
Walk the dog- 30%
Walking to do errands, visit town 41%
Visit neighbors- 33%
Other (please specify)- Children walk to neighbors’ houses, ride bicycles, and walk to school. Children also walk to their school bus.
3. How often do you utilize your sidewalks?
Everyday 46%
A few times per week 32%
Infrequently- 14%
Never 7%
4. Do you think the sidewalk adds or reduces value to your property?
Adds value 68%
Reduces value 14%
No change 21%
5. Who utilizes your sidewalk?
Neighbors 71%
Students 61%
Commuters 32%
Other (please specify)
For the most part, the sidewalks are used by all of these people, neighbors, students, commuters. In addition, children serve as a large population who utilize the sidewalks. As many of our current sidewalks are in neighborhoods surrounding Stony Brook University and are utilized by students of the university, it is important that the university be part of the conversation about maintaining and building sidewalks in our area.
6. Does your sidewalk make you feel safe or unsafe in your neighborhood?
Safe 79%
Unsafe 11%
No difference 11%
7. Would you prefer to have sidewalks or not to have sidewalks?
Yes, I prefer the sidewalk 86%
No, I would prefer no sidewalk 14%
8. Do your sidewalks need improvement?
Yes 63%
No 37%
9. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?
The following are comments left by some of the respondents. The issues addressed range from a need for more sidewalks to ensure the safety of residents to the concerns about the cost of building and maintaining sidewalks. The maintenance of sidewalks is an important issue as many of our existing sidewalks are in poor condition and are currently not maintained by the Town of Brookhaven. Comment number 4 represents the argument against building more sidewalks in the area.
- My street doesn't have sidewalks but the nearby town of Port Jefferson has many streets with sidewalks. I prefer those streets when I run and go for a walk with my children. I would love to have sidewalks on my street as I would feel safer when letting my kids visit their neighborhood friends on their own. Also, I think it would definitely liven up the neighborhood and make it safer for everybody with more people outside.
- We need more safe routes on Quaker Path, Christian Ave.
- In our neighborhood, most people prefer to walk in the street. I think that this is because portions of our sidewalk are in disrepair or are not significantly wide enough to comfortably accommodate two people (or one person and a dog) across. Also, people rarely clean the sidewalk when we have snow.
- I would rather the town spend their resources fixing our roads than putting resources in sidewalks that will need more money for maintenance.
- Would love to have crosswalks painted near the duck pond. Especially for those people who live on the side of Main Street that does not have sidewalks. Due to the excessive and unmonitored speeding down Main St., it's pretty dangerous to cross the street at Hawkins, Mills Pond, etc.
- We have called about the mess the sidewalk is in. The town does not maintain at all, someone will get hurt. This area has a lot of student use due to location. The town & university should be concerned about safety and make a point of clearing them in the winter for the high amount of walkers.
- The sidewalks on Pond Path need to be extended. We have one block to walk toward school before the sidewalk begins and that segment is frightening. The other concern is that some homeowners do not trim their bushes or shovel their walks as they are required to do.
8. Sidewalks on Thompson Hay!!! Please give us more of a chance to walk safely in our community.